Friday, October 18, 2013

From Youth to Maturity : Creative Elegance Interiors

fresh child room design in purple and turquiose and surrounded by attractive wall decorations
Instead of presenting only one interior design style, today we are giving you more inspirations from two home interiors! Bringing out the theme of From Youth to Maturity. That is, Creative Elegance Interiors for girl nursery and cool home office room design. Which parent would say no in having the idea of providing the best growing environment for their child? Fresh bright color tone sets the base of beautiful room which can affects mood. Comfortable baby box and sofa for the parent, adequate place to play or learning, that is the main idea of growing a healthy child.
classy baby cribs surrounded by lovely patterns in purple and beautiful wall decoration
In this girl nursery room design, purple is chosen as the main color against the soft turquoise. However, their smooth combination creates a beautiful harmony which perfect as the base of another elements. One of them is wall prints and decoration. Meanwhile, comfy baby bed looks comforting surrounded by these lovely color pops by the corner of the room.
tree wall print makes a fun twist to the rest of the colorful room colors
Tree wall prints makes a fun twist to the rest of the colorful colors.
this cool home office design is comfortable with its warm color palette and modern furniture
Made for a business owner, this home office design was intended to give warm welcome to the clients as well as employee. Dark wood furniture works great against the pale blue and white, thus focusing eye level on the warm atmosphere. Luxury carpet, luxury wood furniture, as well as beautiful fan, these are the perfect combination for comfortable working space.
custom window treatments and open lounge plan provides soothing environment for the client while the wood furniture looks cool and precise
From this point of view, natural light is invited in and filtered by the windows. This creates a bright room, yet far from the impression of hot room scheme. Having a proper storage space, this home office also designed to soothe the clients with its open lounge space and custom windows.
another space in the corner suitable for employee and storing office equipments as well as PC
Now here is when the work must get done, the special corner working space with PC and displayed time table and probably the future company plan. This cool working space is perfect for the employee, in which the design deserve being entitled as an ample space for work and office equipment. There are still many styles and kinds of home interior design brought by Creative Elegance Interiors and we are sure to present you more when we come across with their gorgeous designs.

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