Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Victor-Raul Garcia brings Space an Inspirational Art Displays

Victor-Raul Garcia's Camuflage abstract modern painting
If you happen to be a design enthusiast and at the same time has a passion of arts, lucky for you to read today's Interiornity's featured Artist. Born in Lima, Peru, Victor-Raul Garcia immigrated to the United States at the age of 8 with his maternal mother. His life begin as he has the curiosity for art and thus lead him into an autodidact, self-teaching artist. Resulting from countless of trial and error, passion to create, and all-compasing necessity to communicate through art, Victor-Raul Garcia is now a well known, talented contemporary abstract artist.
Victor-Raul Garcia's Circo abstract modern painting by the bed
Victor-Raul Garcia's impressive arts has been regarded as "a subtle romance between Cubism, Abstract Impressionism, and Brutalism". He has a collective respect for the calue of color, depth, texture, motion, and architecture. Until today, he has become a featured artist at Mecox Gardens, Raul Carrasco (Soho and Miami), Nest Interiors NYC, Reinboth Design, A. Rudin Showroom, among others.Victor-Raul Garcia's biography tell us how his story, seemingly easy but actually full of struggle and unbelievably fight to be a professional artist we known today. His inspirational art displays has appeared in New York Spaces, The Examiner, and Style Shout Out, and is collected by many, including architects, CEOs and t.v. celebrities from around the world.
Victor-Raul Garcia's Dilemma Abstract contemporary painting
What we note from his inspirational contemporary abstract is his impressive way of using multi-layering process. The elements within the art intertwines into a narrative, a story that unfold itself as we sink into his expressive approach. Take your time and satisfy your soul as he brings space an inspirational art displays.
Victor-Raul Garcia's El Miro abstract contemporary painting
El Miro, a festive colors to illustrate the people of Peru and an attribute to the artist, Miro.
Victor-Raul Garcia's Gotham abstract contemporary painting
Victor-Raul Garcia's Gotham portrays Macchu Picchu and Brutalist architecture.
Victor-Raul Garcia's Lago abstract contemporary painting
Lago illustrates the Lake of Titicaca, and the colors of the Kravet shown before us.
Victor-Raul Garcia's Laguna abstract contemporary painting
Laguna is a Marchesa runway show and an imagery of Atlantis.
Victor-Raul Garcia's Melocoton abstract contemporary painting
Victor-Raul Garcia's Melocoton is a subtle description of Peaches at a Farmer's Market on a bright blue Summer day in Hampton.
Victor-Raul Garcia's Shallows abstract contemporary painting
Shallows -- which in contrary rich in composition -- draws the Nazca lines and the observation of the Neversink River after a snowstorm.

Victor-Raul Garcia's Soho abstract contemporary painting
Soho portrays yet another display of Nasca lines of Peru, a street art, and the strata layers of the earth.
Victor-Raul Garcia's T-Rex abstract contemporary painting
T-Rex is a homage to the Gerard Richter, Gilbert and George, and a visit to Las Venus in Soho.
Victor-Raul Garcia's Water Under the Brigde abstract contemporary painting
Water Under the Bridge complies La Virgen Milagrosa Church from Victor's neighborhood, Miraflores in Lima, an Isaac Mizrahi dress, and Blenko glassware.
We hope you enjoy our special treat today and we personally thank Victor-Raul Garcia for letting us close to his wonderful work that we surely love to have in our own homes. Let us know what you think on the comment below.